Rabbi Doniel Pransky

Rabbi Pransky, originally from Philadelphia, is the Rosh Kollel of the Atlanta Scholars Kollel. He learned for many years in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, receiving his smicha there, and spent four years in the Columbus Community Kollel. Speaking to Jews from many different backgrounds, Rabbi Pransky’s many weekly shiurim include students with little experience to those who have learned in yeshiva, often at the same time. His online recordings are primarily from his weekly Chumash and Nach series, and many other topics, such as halacha, hashkafa and machshava, are included as well.

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Yirmiyahu (26) Chapter 13 - Belt made of flax - Yirmiyahu's grief for the Jews - What Hashem cries for 10-20-21 Sefer Yirmiyahu 54 min
Yirmiyahu (27) Chapter 14 - Three meshalim - Stranger in the land - The Keychain - The husband who will not divorce his wife 10-27-21 Sefer Yirmiyahu 50 min
Yirmiyahu (28) Chapter 15 - Moshe and Shmuel - Chana and her seven sons - The Power of a Mikarev 11-03-21 Sefer Yirmiyahu 60 min
Yirmiyahu (29) Chapter 16 - Yirmiyahu not marrying and not having children - leaving Hashem but keeping His Torah - Pesach in the future 11-10-21 Sefer Yirmiyahu 53 min
Yirmiyahu (30) Chapter 17 - Shmitta - Stealing - Shabbos 11-24-21 Sefer Yirmiyahu 50 min
Yirmiyahu (31) Chapter 18 - Like clay in the hands of the potter - Leah davening for Dinah - giving tzedaka to unworthy recipients 12-01-21 Sefer Yirmiyahu 54 min
Yirmiyahu (32) Chapters 19 - 20 - Yirmiyahu compared to a Kohain giving a sotah to drink - Compared to Bilam - Compared to Iyov 12-08-21 Sefer Yirmiyahu 58 min
Yirmiyahu (33) Chapter 21 - Binding the Angels to an Oath- to give up or to fight- A King Acting as a Judge- Avrohom and Eisav 12-15-21 Sefer Yirmiyahu 58 min
Yirmiyahu (34) Chapter 22 - The Fate of Yehoyakim- The Curse Against Yehoyachin- The Future Redemption 12-22-21 Sefer Yirmiyahu 56 min
Yirmiyahu (35) Chapter 23 - False Prophets- Flattery- Torah Compared to Fire 01-12-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 52 min
Yirmiyahu (36) Chapters 24 and 27 - Yirmiyahu, Reuven and Yosef- Nevuchadnetzar and Shlomo- Making Aliya 01-19-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 62 min
Yirmiyahu (37) Chapter 28 - Chananya ben Azur- Methods of False Prophets- The Result of Flattery 01-26-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 47 min
Yirmiyahu (38) Chapter 37 - Chananya ben Azru's revenge- Tzidkiyahu's Background and Struggle 02-02-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 52 min
Yirmiyahu (39) Chapter 38 - Yirmiyahu is Thrown into the Pit- Tzidkiyahu's Decision 02-09-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 54 min
Yirmiyahu (40) Chapter 32 - The Purchase of Land from Yirmiyahu's Cousin- Two Types of Divorce Documents 02-16-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 53 min
Yirmiyahu (41) Chapter 33 - Hashem's Guarantee of Eventual Redemption- Potential Kings and Kohanim in Every Generation- The Most Important Bris 02-23-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 53 min
Yirmiyahu (42) Chapter 34 - Tzidkiyahu is told that he will not be killed by Nevuchadnetzar- Freeing the Slaves and Then Taking Them Back 03-02-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 62 min
Yirmiyahu (43) Chapter 39 - the 9th of Tamuz- Tzidkiyahu's escape and capture- Nevuchadnetzar's instructions to Nevuzaradan concerning Yirmiyahu 03-09-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 56 min
Yirmiyahu (44) Chapters 40-41 - The Story of Gedalya Part 1 03-23-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 57 min
Yirmiyahu (45) Chapters 42-43 - The story of Gedalya Part 2- Bais Chonyo in Egypt 03-30-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 60 min
Yirmiyahu (46) Chapters 44-45 - The Story of Gedalay Part 3- Baruch ben Nairiya 04-06-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 52 min
Yirmiyahu (47) Chapter 46 - The Destruction of Mitzrayim 05-04-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 38 min
Yirmiyahu (48) Chapter 46 - Mitzrayim, The Snake, The Mountains of Matan Torah and Yosef 05-11-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 55 min
Yirmiyahu (49) Chapters 47-48 - The Destruction of the Plishtim and of Moav 05-18-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 60 min
Yirmiyahu (50) Chapter 49 - Edom and Moav- Edom and Persia- Edom and Yosef- Eilam and Bavel 05-25-22 Sefer Yirmiyahu 60 min