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ד׳ אדר ב' תשפ״ה
/ Mar 4, ‘25
Shabbos Zachor
Sifrei Kodesh
Rabbi Doniel Pransky
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Mishpatim (19) Naaseh Vinishma (We will do and we will listen) and The Sin of the Elders
Length: 50 min
Sefer Shemos Redemption Series
Beshalach (01) The ways to Eretz Yisroel; The Bones of Yosef - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (02) Setting a trap for the Egyptians - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (03) Reaction to the Jews being trapped - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (04) Hidden Names of Hashem and The Spliting of the Sea - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (05) Drowning the Egyptians - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (06) Az Yashir (Song at the Sea) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (07) Az Yashir part 2 (Song at the Sea) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (08) Mitzvos of Mara - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (09) The Test of the Mon - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (10) Blaming Moshe and Aharon instead of Hashem - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (11) First Exposure to the Mon - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (12) The Mon and Shabbos - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (13) The Mon for Future Generations - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (14) Testing Hashem for Water - Hitting the Rock - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Beshalach (15) Purim - The War with Amalek and Tznius of Esther - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (01) Purpose of Plagues Pesach - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (02) Locusts Darkness - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (03) Death of Jews Who Did Not Want to Leave - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (04) First Born - Nissan - Korban Pesach - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (05) Korban Pesach - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (06) Four Sons - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (07) Death of First Born - Matzah - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (08) How Many Jews - 430 Years - Korban Pesach Laws - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (09) Redeeming Firstborns - Tefillin - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Bo (10) The Roles of Men and Women - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (01) The Half Shekel - Shabbos Shekalim - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (02) The Kiyor (Laver-wash basin) - Shemen Hamishcha (anointing oil) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (03) The Ketores (Insense) - Betzalel - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (04) Betzalel - Shabbos and the Mishkan - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (05) Golden Calf Part 1 - The Context - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (06) Golden Calf part 2 - Why a Calf - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (07) Golden Calf part 3 - Moshes demotion - plea for the Jews - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (08) Golden Calf part 4 - Breaking the Luchos - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (09) Golden Calf part 5 - Moshe's conversation with Aharon - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (10) Golden Calf part 6 - Golden Calf part 6 - Tribe of Levi - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (11) Golden Calf part 7 - Levels of Atonement - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (12) Golden Calf part 8 - Erase Me from your Book - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (13) Golden Calf part 9 - Sending a Malach - Removing the Crowns - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (14) Golden Calf part 10 - Knowing Hashem - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (15) Golden Calf part 11 - Hashem's kavod - knot of the tefillin - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (16) Golden Calf part 12 - 13 Attributes of Mercy - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (17) Nuances in a Sefer Torah - Taking over The Land - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (18) Shalosh Rigalim -Shmitta - Harvesting the Omer - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
KiSisa (19) Moshes Mask - The Oral Torah - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (01) Jewish and Non Jewish Slaves - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (02) Nirtza - Amah Ivriya - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (03) Murder- Hitting and Cursing Parents-Damages - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (04) Murder of a Slave - Eye for an Eye - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (05) Damaging a Slave - Animals Killing People - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (06) Liability for a Pit - Liability for Animals - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (07) Stealing a Bull or Sheep - Breaking and Entering - Ganav and Gazlan - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (08) Shen Viregel (Damages) - Fire -Shomer Chinam (Unpaid Watchman) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (09) Shomer Sachar (Paid Watchman) - Borrower - Renter - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (10) Seduction - Mistreating a Convert Widow and Orphan - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (11) Lending Money - Interest - Taking Collateral - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (12) Gifts to the Kohain - Gratitude to the dog - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (13) Majority Rules - Unbiased Judging - Hashem is in Charge - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (14) Care with Converts - Shmitta - Names of Avoda Zara - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (15) Shalosh Rigalim - Lunar and Solar Calendar - Mazalos - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (16) Difference between Hashem Directly and an Angel - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (17) Maintaining a Spiritual Environment in Eretz Yisroel - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (18) The 5th Day of Sivan - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (19) Naaseh Vinishma (We will do and we will listen) and The Sin of the Elders - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Mishpatim (20) Aharon and Chur - Cosuming Fire - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Pikudei (01) Moshe's Honesty - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Pikudei (02) Putting up the Mishkan - Travelling - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (01) Introduction to Sefer Shemos - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (02) The Famine - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (03) Mid-Wifes Shifra and Puah - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (04) The Slavery - Roles of Men and Women Reversed - Merit of the Women - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (05) The Birth of Moshe - Bas Pharaoh Converts to Judaism - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (06) Moshe Grows Up - The Oral Torah - Moshe Identifies with His People - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (07) Moshe Kills the Egyptian Aggressor - Tribal Affiliation Determined by the Father - Moshe Marries - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (08) Moshe The Halmark of a Leader - Intervenes in Injustices - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (09) G-d Heard Their Cries - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (10) Pesach - The Seder Night - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (11) The Burning Bush Part 1 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (12) The Burning Bush Part 2 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (13) The Burning Bush Part 3 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (14) Moshe Negotiates with HaShem - The Names of G-d - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (15) The Geula Begins - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (16) Signs that Moshe is The Chosen Leader Part 1 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (17) Signs that Moshe is The Chosen Leader Part 2 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (18) The Staff of Moshe - The Donkey - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (19) My Firstborn is Yisrael - What is the Significance of Behor - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (20) Moshe and Aharon Come to Pharaoh Part 1 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (21) Moshe and Aharon Come to Pharaoh Part 2 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Shemos (22) The Work Gets Harder - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (01) The Shulchan - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (02) The Menorah - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (03) Coverings of the Mishkan - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (04) Kerashim (Boards) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (05) Paroches -Setting up the Mishkan - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (06) Copper Mizbeach (Altar) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (07) Chatzer (courtyard) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (08) When Did It Happen - Purpose of the Mishkan - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (09) The Aron (The Ark) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Terumah (10) Kapores and Keruvim (the Lid for the Ark and the Cherubs) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (01) Aron and the Menorah - Clothing - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (02) Moshe's role in the Kehuna - Shaatnez - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (03) The Efod (Apron) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (04) The Choshen (Breastplate) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (05) The Me il (Jacket) and the Tzitz (Golden Head-Band) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (06) The Tzitz (Golden Head-Band) and The Mitznefes (Jacket) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (07) The Migbaos, Avneit, Kesones and Michnasayim - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (08) Introduction to the Miluim - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (09) How Blood is Handled for Each Karban - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (10) Olah and Shlamim of the Miluim - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (11) Shlamim of the Miluim - Kodesh Kadashim (Holy of Holies) and the mizbeach (Altar) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (12) Kapara (Atonement) Karban Tamid (the daily offering) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Tetzaveh (13) Mizbeach HaZahav (Golden Altar) - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (01) Hashem Reassures Moshe - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (02) The Four Expressions of Redemption - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (03) Moshe and Aharon Part 1 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (04) Moshe and Aharon Part 2 - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (05) List of Names - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (06) Hardening Pharaoh's Heart - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (07) Black Magic - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (08) Blood - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (09) Frogs - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (10) Lice - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (11) Finger of Elokim - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (12) Wild Animals, 3 Days in the Wilderness - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (13) Death of the Livestock - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (14) Boils - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Va'eira (15) Hail - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Vayakhel (01) Donating to the Mishkan - The Women and the Princes - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Vayakhel (02) More than Enough - Mirrors for the Kiyor - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Vayakhel (03) The Mishkan and Shabbos - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (01) Yisro Arrives with Tziporah Gershom and Eliezer - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (02) Moshe's Treatment of Yisro - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (03) What Yisro Saw - Moshe is Emes - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (04) Why Yisro was needed - Ulterior Motive of Jews - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (05) Shavous Date of Matan Torah - Har Sinai - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (06) Shavous - First 6 Days of Sivan - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (07) Shavous - Fencing off Har Sina - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (08) Shavous - The day of Matan Torah - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (09) First Two Dibros - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (10) Sins of fathers - Third Dibra - kiddush - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (11) Definition of milacha - Who is Prohibited - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (12) Fifth Through Ninth Dibros - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (13) Tenth Dibro - Fear of Hashem - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
Yisro (14) Keruvim and Mizvbeach - Rabbi Doniel Pransky
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