
Sefer Yehoshua
Haftaros Special Occasions
Sefer Shoftim
Sefer Shmuel Alef
Sefer Shmuel Beis
Sefer Melachim Beis
Sefer Isaiah
Sefer Melachim Alef
Sefer Mishlei
Sefer Yirmiyahu
Sefer Yechezkel
Sifrei Trei Asar
Sefer Yonah
Sefer Zecharia
Sefer Eicha
Sefer Rus
Sefer Koheles
Sefer Esther
Sefer Daniel
Sefer Ezra and Nechemia
Sefer Divrei Hayamim
Speaker Filter Box:
Yecheskel (96) Chapter 45 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 60 min
Yecheskel (97) Chapter 45 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 38 min
Yecheskel (98) Chapter 45 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 54 min
Yecheskel (99) Chapter 46 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 55 min
Yehoshua (01) 05-08-24 Introduction - Qualities of leadership Rabbi Doniel Pransky 43 min
Yehoshua (02) 05-15-24 Second Introduction - Eved and Misharais, Semicha, last eight pesukim of the Torah Rabbi Doniel Pransky 46 min
Yehoshua (03) 05-22-24 Perek 1 Pasuk 1 - Transitional Figures, Niskatnu Hadoros Rabbi Doniel Pransky 43 min
Yehoshua (04) 05-29-24 Perek 1 Pesukim 2-9 - Which land is Eretz Yisroel, Chazak Ve'ematz Rabbi Doniel Pransky 41 min
Yehoshua (05) 06-19-24 Perek 1 Pesukim 2-9 - The use of the word Hazeh - Torah Day and Night Rabbi Doniel Pransky 43 min
Yehoshua (06) 06-26-24 Perek 1 Pesukim 10-18 - The date of Moshe's death - Conversation with Reuven and Gad Rabbi Doniel Pransky 44 min
Yehoshua (07) 07-10-24 Perek 2 Pesukim 1-11 - Sending Spies Again - Yericho Rabbi Doniel Pransky 47 min
Yehoshua (08) 07-24-24 Perek 2 Pesukim 1-11 - Sending Spies Again - Yericho Rabbi Doniel Pransky 34 min
Yehoshua (08) 07-24-24 Perek 2 Pesukim 1-11 - Sending Spies Again - Yericho Rabbi Doniel Pransky 34 min
Yehoshua (09) 09-04-24 Perek 3 Pesukim 1-10 - Preparing to cross the Yarden - the aron of Yosef Rabbi Doniel Pransky 42 min
Yehoshua (10) 09-11-24 Perek 3 Pesukim 11-17 the splitting of the Yarden, Avraham Avinu Rabbi Doniel Pransky 41 min
Yehoshua (11) 09-18-24 Perek 4 Pesukim 1-9 - The stones, all that happened on the 10th of Sivan, responsibility for each other Rabbi Doniel Pransky 41 min
Yehoshua (12) 11-06-24 Perek 4 Pesukim 10-24 Har Gerizim and Har Eival, The Kohanim Crossing the Yarden, The Stones in Gilgal Rabbi Doniel Pransky 32 min
Yehoshua (13) 11-13-24 Perek 5 Pesukim 1-8 - Bris Milah Rabbi Doniel Pransky 45 min
Yeshayahu (01) Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - One of The Three Famous Words of Eichah - 10 Steps of Teshuva - Complementing Parshas Haazinu 07-27-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Yeshayahu (02) Chapter 2 - Origin of a formal school system - Carrying Weapons on Shabbos - The Ultimate Day of Judgement 08-31-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 56 min
Yeshayahu (03) Chapters 3-4 - Lack of Torah scholarship before the churban - promiscuity of the Jewish girls - seven chupos in the future 10-26-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 53 min
Yeshayahu (04) Chapter 5 - Shiras HaKerem; why is it a shira 11-02-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 58 min
Yeshayahu (05) Chapter 5 - The yetzer hara as a thin string and a thick rope - Hashem's hand stretched over us 11-09-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 45 min
Yeshayahu (06) Chapter 6 - Introduction - Hashem's Chariot - Amos - Yeshayahu and Yechezkel - Korach and Uziyahu 11-16-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 63 min
Yeshayahu (07) Chapter 6 -Seeing Hashem - The Wings of the Angels - The Faces of the Angels - Kadosh Kadosh Kadosh 11-23-22 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 58 min